Calories and weight loss benefits of black sesame paste powder

Black sesame paste
  • Calories:408 kcal (100g)
  • Category:Nuts, soybeans and products
Nutrient content (per 100 grams) Nutrient content (per 100 grams)
Calories (kcal) 408.00 Carbohydrates (g) 82.30
Fat (g) 7.50 Protein (gram) 6.90
Cellulose (g) 4.20 Vitamin a one
Vitamin c one Vitamin e one
Carotene one Thiamine one
Lactoflavin- Niacin one
Cholesterol 1 Magnesium one
Calcium one Iron one
Zinc one Copper one
Manganese one Kalium one
Phosphor one Natrium one
Selenium one